Coming to Christ by Thomas Willcox (1621-1687)

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

To believing, there must be a clear conviction of sin, and the merits of the blood of Christ, and of Christ’s willingness to save upon this consideration, merely, that you are a sinner.

When we come to God, we must bring nothing but Christ with us. Any ingredients, or any previous qualifications of our own, will poison and corrupt faith.

Believing is the most wonderful thing in the world. Put any thing of your own to it, and you spoil it. Christ will not so much as look at it for believing. When you believe and come to Christ, you must leave behind your own righteousness, and bring nothing but your sin: (Oh, that is hard!) leave behind all your holiness, sanctification, duties, or else Christ is not fit for you , nor you for Christ. Christ will be a pure Redeemer and Mediator, and you must be an undone sinner, or Christ and you will never agree.  Continue reading

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He Didn’t Promise A Rose Garden

When I was young and wounded and had no one to turn to, I joined the United States Marine Corps where the recruiting motto was “The Few The Proud”. Little did I know that the true motto was “We Didn’t Promise You A Rose Garden”. I knew very little about God at this point in my life, but it took less than 24 hours for me to be calling on Him in a time of desperation and need. This was a very humbling experience to me to be awakened in the pre-dawn hours of the first morning in boot camp at Parris Island.

As I think back some 45 years ago in my life how fitting an analogy of what the Christian faces in their walk.
• Mt. 7:13-14 tells us of the narrow gate and there be few that find it.
• I would come to learn throughout my walk that God hates the pride in man (Pr. 8:13) and will put a fear like only one who has truly felt it can just barely describe its power on one’s soul.
• Heb. 12:6 Teaches us “For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth”. But then in 1 Pet. 5:10 He teaches “But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you”. This rose garden has thorns that will perfect one’s life.

Christian, young or seasoned will learn Him and as you grow in His grace you will begin to connect the dots that allows you a sweet spirit of communion with Him. Until then fight the good fight. The key thing to remember is to seek Him daily and to examine yourself to see if you are truly His as I wouldn’t find out for many years after what I thought was my conversion when I walked an aisle and said a few words. A tree is known by its fruit!  Amen

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My Comforter

Where is my Comforter for I need help this morn
I need a path that’s straighter than my own
My compass is broken and I can’t find my way
Oh Comforter oh Comforter will you help me I pray

I know if I wake Him, He’s willing to hear
But to mold me and teach me He leaves right here
He taught me to wait and listen for Him
That I may grow and become His close friend Continue reading

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Observation Through Meditation

Oh birds from heaven where art thou this morn
Fly to my feeding ground oh birds that I adorn
I cast out your portion as God does mine own
Oh black birds come in that I may adorn

I see the hawk flying high up over head
A circling round my black birds as if they are prey
Oh yes I must remember he is God’s creation too
And he too must be fed as my black birds and I do

Quickly my black birds grasp their piece of life
While watching and waiting and ready for flight
When all of a sudden the preditor swoops in
To grasp the weakest and fly off into the wind

The beauty of your creation Lord, can only be observed
In the quietness of my meditation and seeking those things observed
Come teach me this morning and fill my cup with your love
And help me see the joy you promised in your living word

I Love You Father,

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How’s Your Salvation Working For You

To my family and friends,

Don’t be deceived in to thinking that an action you took and or a baptism you made qualifies you for entrance into the Kingdom of GOD. We all need to take a few minutes to reflect on our lives to see if we are His. The word tells us in 2Co 13:5-6 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? 6 But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates. (KJV)

Is our faith man made (physical attraction when troubles arise) or is our faith a spiritual attraction where you are wholly dependant on Him and cannot live apart from Him.

Christ’s brief separation from His Father outweighed all the nails and thorns on the cross. He so desperately needed His presence as we can see in Jn 17:4-5 I have glorified thee on the earth:I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. 5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. (KJV)

I am one of these creatures that walked an isle and was baptised but was living a lie for over 30 years trying to convince myself and others that I was a Christian. But, God allowed me to see who I truly was and it wasn’t pretty. He melted me with holy fire and showed me where I was heading apart from His saving grace. At this point I began concentrating on what He thought of me instead of the world. More of my experience can be seen on Is Salvation Based On A SingleEvent.

Please take time or make time to be alone seeking Him, truly seeking Him. If we love Him like we ought, we will love Him wholly as can be seen in Deu 6:4-6 Hear, O Israel:The Lord our God is one Lord:5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. 6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: (KJV) and Christ takes it further in Mat 22:37-39 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

These things are serious to me and you are near and dear to my heart and I want to see my friends and family become a part of something so precious as He has allowed me to see. Don’t be ashamed to inquire into your standings with Him. Don’t worry about how or what anyone thinks but that of our Father.

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